Great for small fish or fry. Max size is 10mm
Availability: Starter cultures limited
Price: $8 per culture
Grindal worm cultures are relatively easy to keep compared to white worms. Grindal worms can tolerate cool and warm temperatures while white worms require cool temperatures. The ideal temperature for grindal worms is 70-75F.
I keep my culture in a plastic container with a snap on lid. I drill out a few holes on the lid to allow air to exchange but I also cover the holes with filter floss or you can tape a piece of paper towel over it. That way it allows the culture to breathe but prevents pests from getting in.
I feed the culture cat food however there are a lot of information on the internet which suggests other possible foods as well.
Each culture is sold with at least 50 worms and approximately 1 cup of substrate.
If you want a whole kit (already prepared container with substrate and culture) then it would be $20. Then you won’t have to worry about the hassles of getting the container/substrates and can use the worms right away.
Categorised in: All Products, Food