Sochting Oxydator- Mini, D, and A Sizes

Easy way to add extra oxygen in your aquarium.

Availability: In Stock

Price: $28 for the Oxydator Mini, $58 for D, $148 for A size.

Söchting Oxydators breakdown hydrogen peroxide into pure oxygen and water (2 H2O2—->2 H20 + O2) using a special catalyst. The Söchting Oxydator adds oxygen continuously and slowly to your aquarium. The additional oxygen helps provide oxygen for aquatic critters and the beneficial bacteria in your tank. The oxygen produced is almost immediately dissolved into the water so there are little to no bubbles produced. Söchting Oxydators produce no CO2, make no noise, and use no electricity making them a useful backup when the power goes out.

Söchting Oxydators Mini – For Aquariums up to 30L or ~8 gallons.

Söchting Oxydators D – For Aquariums up to 100L or ~27 gallons.

Söchting Oxydators A – For Aquariums up to 800L or ~215 gallons.

These kits come complete with catalyst and activator (Hydrogen peroxide H2O2). Most of the Oxydators use 6% Hydrogen Peroxide (the larger ones you can use different concentrations depending on the size of the tank). After using up all the H2O2 that comes with the set, I would recommend purchasing some 35% “food grade” hydrogen peroxide and mixing your own. It is easily diluted down to 6% (you don’t have to be exact) and is much cheaper then purchasing the solution elsewhere.

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