Betta mandor- Locally Bred

Availability: In Stock

Price: All fish are currently unsexable. $35 each, or 5 for $150. These fish are currently 1.5-2″

Betta mandor (related to Betta Foerschi group)A fast, moody and fun wild betta species that grows larger than B. albimarginata.These grow to 6-7 cm and males will get beautiful trailing fins and red opercular bars when mature. F1s from wild parents. Paternal mouthbrooder species from Borneo where they are considered endangered by the IUCN redlist. These F1s will eat pellets, flakes, frozen food such as daphnia and brine shrimp etc. They love live food like daphnia, grindal and white worms but do not require it. They have a tendency to overeat so be careful about feeding too much. They’re bottomless pits and do not know when to stop.These F1s are raised in Vancouver water from parents imported from Indonesia. They are fine at pH 6.5-7.0, GH <100 ideally, they like tannins from almond leaves, alder cones etc but don’t require it. Temperature is better on the cool side; they are kept in 24.5-25.5 C, as they do not like it too warm. Low flow is best but they are strong swimmers and can tolerate some water movement.  You will get better colour from them by using tannins and providing dark substrate and/or lots of plants. When males are fired up they go coal black with green and purply iridescence. They can change colours in seconds! A pair requires 15 gallons and a group larger. They can be a more aggressive species of Betta so lots of hiding spots and visual barriers are important. You can try housing them with other medium-sized, fast fish but they may go after small shrimp and they kill ramshorn snails for fun then eat them. They do not seem to kill nerite snails. A super fun, personality plus betta that will always be keeping an eye on you outside the tank. Like all wild bettas, these are extremely good jumpers that will find a very small gap, so a very tight fitting lid is a requirement or your fish will jump out before you know it. They can jump several inches.

Front photo is a photo of a male.

Below photo is a photo of female.

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