30g and 50g sizes. Great extra mineral source for your shrimps
Availability: In Stock
Price: $9/30g and $13/50g
A calcium bentonite based mineral rock that has a very high composition of calcium which invertebrates use to help with molting and aid in thicker and shinier whites. To attain supplemental minerals, invertebrates can easily pick from it. Use: Use at least 10 grams for every 10-20 gallons of water. For best results, frequently use a tooth brush to brush the surface of the mineral rock.
*When you purchase 30g or 50g sizes, sometimes you will get 2 pieces of rock rather than one large one. In any case, you will always get exactly 30g or 50g in total weight if not more in each order.
Categorised in: Additives, All Products, Shrimp and Invertebrates