Live Moina macrocopa culture

Availability: Limited

Price: $7

Moina marocopa is a great live food culture to have especially when you have small fish or fish babies as these are the smaller compared to daphnia magna or daphnia pulex. Newborn Moina macrocopa is typically smaller than newly hatched baby brine shrimp and they will last longer in freshwater than brine shrimp.

Another advantage is that they prefer warmer temperatures (25C-32C) than most daphnia which makes them easier to grow indoors. The range in pH they can tolerate is 6 to 9. Ideally try avoiding the pH at the extremes of this range.

Each portion of live Moina macrocopa starter culture will have 100+ live oorganisms.

You can feed them various types of bacteria, yeasts, or green water. If you need a green water culture kit see here.

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