Daphnia Food

Availability: In Stock
Price: $5

Daphnia food 30 grams. A great food to keep your daphnia culture lasting and breeding. Daphnia are filter feeders so as long as you add enough food so that your water is slightly cloudy and feed them 1-2 times a week (you feed them when the water goes clear) you can maintain your cultures for a long time. You don’t need much to make the daphnia food, as it’s dry powder a little will go a long way. For example, to make 500 ml of daphnia food you’d mix 1 tablespoon of dry food into 500 ml of dechlorinated water (at the same temperature as the culture) and mix until all dissolved, then pour some into the daphnia culture to feed. Only need to feed 100-200ml each feeding depending on size of culture and usually enough so that the culture water is slightly cloudy. To make your daphnia food more nutritious, in the leftover daphnia food, add an apple core, or lettuce leaves and let the food sit near a window. Over a few days, bacteria will grow which the daphnia will also eat.

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